JB Prestige offers a specialist team dealing with SAAB Repairs in Melbourne and surrounding suburbs. Our mechanics that deal with the SAAB repair service have extensive experience with SAAB vehicles ranging from entry level SAAB to late model vehicle.
At JB prestige we provide a range of repairs and services to SAAB vehicles, from minor and major services, fluids and filter replacements, through to balance chains repairs. All our service repairs are done according to SAAB manufacturing standards. Our mechanics are able to repair or replace your Saab Turbo, as well as complete engine sump clean outs. For JB prestige no SAAB work is too great or too small!
Works completed are included in your log books keeping your SAAB repair history intact.
We go through your SAAB details and re-program necessary modules to get the job done.
At JB Prestige, we can also repair or provide re-furbished SAAB Display screens. The most common problem with the display screens are pixel fading or lines running through the screens and it obscures the view. If you have any issues with your SAAB Display screen, our mechanics can refurbish it for a fraction of the cost of a brand new replacement.
Ask about our courtesy car while we look after your SAAB!
You can be rest assured that when your Vehicle is in our care, it’s in good hands.
Our SAAB Service Centre is a one stop service shop for the full range of services and repairs to keep your SAAB in prestige condition.

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you on your SAAB car service date!

All our service repairs are done according to SAAB manufacturing standards.
Our mechanics are able to repair or replace your Saab Turbo, as well as complete engine
sump clean outs. For JB prestige no SAAB work is too great or too small!
Works completed are included in your log books keeping your SAAB repair history intact.
We go through your SAAB details and re-program necessary modules to get the job done.
At JB Prestige, we can also repair or provide re-furbished SAAB Display screens.
The most common problem with the display screens are pixel fading or lines running through the screens and it obscures the view. If you have any issues with your SAAB Display screen,
our mechanics can refurbish it for a fraction of the cost of a brand new replacement.
Ask about our courtesy car while we look after your SAAB!
You can be rest assured that when your Vehicle is in our care, it’s in good hands.
Our SAAB Service Centre is a one stop service shop for the full range of services and repairsto keep your SAAB in prestige condition.
It is essential to service your Saab vehicle as specified by the manufacturer at the correct service intervals, for Saab vehiclesthis is every 10,000 km’s for pre 1998 models, every 15,000 km’s for models from 1998-2003, and every 20,000 km’s for models 2003 onwards.
It is recommended that an additional oil change is performed on the 1998 – current on Saab vehicles. This will help maintain clean intervals on the engine which will stop sludging and carbon build up which can cause premature turbo and engine failure. Serviceable components need to be replaced at the correct intervals as these components do have a used by date, such as air filter, cabin filters, oil filter, brake fluid, coolant, and transmission fluid.
The correct and accurate servicing JB prestige offers, will extend the lifetime of your vehicle and prevent problems further down the road, prevention is always better than the cure. Every service performed includes a vehicle inspection where our team thoroughly check your vehicle for road-testing, under the bonnet, hoisting and checking under- body for any worn components
that may need replacing.
Diagnostics are carried out to the electronics of your vehicle and the computer reset correctly and accurately